I press on toward the goal

to win the prize for which God has

called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

--Philipians 3:14

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello! It's Arthur!

Hello everyone looking at and reading this blog! First, thank you, second, this is Arthur! I love airplanes and anything military. I am in band, and I play trombone. I think I am okay at it, but I am much better at trombone. I run in track (long distance only) and I play soccer. I love reading The Lord Of The Rings. It is definitely the best book EVER WRITTEN. My favorite college is A&M, and I like to listen to some classic, Christian, and country music. Well, if you have any questions about me or anything else, just comment. ;}] By the way, air planes rule!


  1. Arthur, I really like what you shared about yourself. "The Lord of the Rings" is a great book! Tolkien has written many amazin stories. I hope you'll upload an image of your airplane collection to your blog, so we can all see them! What is your favorite country music song? Good job on the blog so far. I look forward to seeing what you and Alec will do next to continue personalizing it.
    ~Mrs. A

  2. Great blog, guys! Really cool theme. It makes you sound all smart and scientific!

    -MIchael Page

  3. I love the book The Lord of the Rings movies and The Hobbit.


  4. Hey, it's Ben. Arthur, by just looking at your blog I can tell you like the military and airplanes. If I were to choose any other collage than Notre Dame I would probably go to A&M.
