I press on toward the goal

to win the prize for which God has

called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

--Philipians 3:14

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Arthur's Highs and Lows (full thing)

This year has been very interesting, especially in grammar! I have had very many highs and lows. It seems like it will be impossible to remember three highs AND three lows. Some general things I may include are sports, projects, and classes. These have both highs and lows. This year has been different than previous years in many ways. Here are a few things.

I will start off on lows, so I can end in a high note. One of my lows is ongoing. It is Mr. Shute's science class. Don't worry, it's not because of Mr. Shute, but because the students are so incredibly disruptive! I cannot tell you enough that people in my science class do not want to learn! No matter what; they are always talking! They always make excuses to not do work or to put off tests. Mr. Shute, I think, should punish those who excessively talk out of turn. Then we could get something done.

Another low is the fairy tale project. It was not all that hard, but I am not much of a writer. I thought my story was terrible, ( It is in the back of my portfolio ) and so it wasn't very fun. The Imovie project coming after it was okay, but I don't think I did a very good job. Alec did great, but you know how it is, your own work never seems as good as another person's. It was fun, though. One low to go!

My last low is the SACS track meet. First of all, I did terrible. I didn't get anywhere near placing. Second, after one of my races, I hadn't been breathing enough during the race, so I was hurting terribly in my chest. Lastly, It took forever. They were trying out a new way to time people. It sounded great at first, but they had to reset the computers that timed us, which took forever. It ended around two a.m.! The meet mostly took place on thursday, but it continued on until Good Friday! Overall, it was miserable!

My first high is the Auction Gala. StuCo set it up,which was significantly fun. What was even more fun was after setting it up. We played dodge ball, variations of it, Mafia, putt putt, talked, and other random things. I love serving, so it was extra fun for me! I had trash duty, so I did not have to deal with cranky little kids! At one point, one of the stations did not have someone on it, so I took it over for about twenty minutes. Two more!

My second high is the track meet at Round Rock. It was a high school/middle school meet. I did okay running, but I had loads of fun with my friends! I got sixth on the 2,400 meter run( two miles). On the mile I got eighth place, which isn't really placing, but I beat Len! When I had nothing to do, I would watch other peoples events, talk, and do other random things! Over all, I had fun. One more!

My last high is band. I love music, so it was very fun. I had lots of fun learning new music. My favorite song during contest was Kingsbury March. Sleigh Ride was my favorite song during the Christmas Concert. We play it every year in middle school, so I remember it from last year. For the Spring Concert, my favorite song is Jazz Band Jubilee. That's all folks!

In all, I had a pretty good year. Track was fun, as well as boring. Band was only good, along with STUCO. This year was better than last year, for it was easier for me. The good times made me happy and the bad times built character. Have a good last week of school! God is great! Live long and prosper.


  1. Really good and inspirational writing! Great meeting you!

  2. Hey, it's Ben. Arthur, it's funny how we think the same. I also hated the fairy tale project, and I also was not happy when kids disrupted Mr. Shute's class.

  3. I didnt like the fairy tale project either!! It was a pain and as Annamarie called it time consuming! Plus mine was terrible espcially the iMovie. Sounds like you have alot of fun in Stuco!! It sounds like so much fun what yall do in there but im just not cut out to do student council! :) Keep track up Arthur! -Lauren

  4. Well done, Arthur! This was very interesting to read because I learned alot about what you are interested in and what bores you!
    ~Mrs. A
